Creative Writing Kids (11-16 years)
Creative writing is not a talent that a select number of people have. It is a skill that can be learned and improved with the right guidance. Creative writing allows for the free expression of emotions and improves self-confidence. It is an important skill for children to have, and one that will benefit them in the future. This 2.5 months course in Creative Writing will teach children how to:

  • Enhance their creativity
  • Improve their writing
  • Widen their communication skills
  • Learn more vocabulary
  • Self-expression and confidence
  • Write and publish eBook in Amazon Kindle
  • Create a child as an Author
Where: Zoom (Online Mode)

Student's Voice

“I definitely recommend this course to everyone. Creative writing is a way to express yourself and release your emotions in an abstract manner. Prior to taking this course, I was not good at creative writing. I would struggle to put words on a paper, and often lacked ideas to write about. Furthermore, my vocabulary was weak, and I did not know the proper literary skills to express myself properly. This became apparent to me as a real problem when my English class held a creative writing contest last year. We were given the chance to write about anything we wanted, but I was unable to think of anything to write. I had to search online for ideas and my writing was very poor. I placed at almost the bottom in the contest. I was very disappointed in myself, but this setback was what motivated me to join this course. This course taught me how to generate ideas, as well as helped me improve my vocabulary and literary skills. I am now able to write freely, and enjoy doing so. This course taught me not only the methods of creative writing, but also how to enjoy it. Now, I do creative writing as a hobby, and I am looking forward to the creative writing contest this year to demonstrate my improved creative writing skills!”
- Rasheeda